BLOG POST 4: My Technology I Came Up With For Avalanches...

My Technology
If a avalanche is going really fast down a mountain or a hill, there is a chance it will hit a town or city and it will do major damage. Everyone thought of a way to warn people about avalanches, but would if we could actually stop a avalanche... Their can be a sturdy wall around the mountain to stop the avalanche to go any further and possible tear down city's or even risk lives of other people. It is't really a piece of technology, but either way 

How Can We Improve Other Technology's?
There are already sirens to warn people about a avalanche. We don't have to improve them a bunch because they only warn people about the avalanche. Would if we can place more sirens around the world or possible places an avalanche occurs so everyone can be safe at all times during or when an avalanche is about to occur. 

Is My Piece Of Technology Possible? 
It is possible to make and it can protect people and towns from avalanches. After all, my piece of technology is just a wall to stop the avalanche but to make it it has to be really sturdy so the wall doesn't tumble over and fall. It has to be really sturdy so it doesn't fall over and it must be really high up just in case a avalanche comes that is taller then about 12 feet. 

Is It Cost Effective?
It won't cost as much as other technology because this is just a wall and it doesn't really have any piece of technology in it. It will cost some money but definitely not as much as putting a lot of sirens or any other piece of technology... 
